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We Never Had It So Good. The 1960s promised us much and delivered on a good deal of it: it flew us to the moon, it let us play among the stars; it gave us James Bond films, the bossa nova, hallucinogenic drugs, free love, colour television and, if you were English, the one and only world cup championship win so far. Most of what I craved as a ten year old I couldn’t afford and probably wouldn’t have known what to do with but it made King’s Road, Music, air travel, and beautiful girls in kinky boots all the more seductive. It did, however, give me a Mediterranean schooling and the bluest skies I’ve ever seen. It gave me The Beatles, Gerry Anderson TV puppets, Spirograph, a school trip to Paris, The Prisoner and a firm grounding in the acoustic guitar. Whilst I was too young for the drugs I was making tentative in-roads towards the free-love but what was most intoxicating of all for me in that psychedelic, l’age d’or of wonder and opportunity, w...


